For the personalized and professional management which will be provided. For technical guidance when claims occur. To have access to the best proposals in terms of prices and warranties.
Because IFC, Broker is a recognized entity in the market.
Because it doesn’t mean an increase in costs.
Because it is a protection that law gives you (decree law 388/91 of 10 October)
If you choose not to have a mediator, you cannot have the best prices … have at your service an entity which provides professional support in the defense of your interests and prevention of future conflicts.
Clarification of all obligations and rights under the contract. Telephone, personal or written requests for technical advise about any questions that arise.
Technical analysis of claims occurred.
The annual renewals of the contract, with review of all contractual points which represent the interests of your company.
Just give written notice to the insurance company with an advance of 30 days prior to renewal of your contract or 60 days if you want to replace your current agent or mediator.